A. Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is one of the infectious diseases that are categorized as dangerous in the world, disease is caused by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) that attacks the liver and cause acute or chronic liver inflammation. Such as the Hepatitis C, the disease can become chronic and eventually liver cancer. The process of transmission of Hepatitis B is through the exchange of body fluids or contact with blood from a person infected with Hepatitis B.
The few things that the pattern of transmission include transmission from mother to baby during childbirth, sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, needles, and use of personal hygiene (toothbrush, towels) together. Hepatitis B can affect anyone, but usually for those aged would be more productive at risk for this disease.
* 1. Symptoms of Hepatitis B
In particular, the signs and symptoms of acute hepatitis B terserangnya are fever, abdominal pain and yellow (especially in the area of the white eye / sclera). But for people with chronic hepatitis B will not likely be visible signs, so that transmission to others becomes more risky.
* 2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis B
Patients with suspected Hepatitis B, for the exact diagnosis is established there will be blood examination. Once the diagnosis is established as Hepatitis B, then there is a way of treatment for hepatitis B, the treatment of swallowing (oral) and by injection.
a. Oral medication that is known;
* Provision of drugs from the nucleoside analog Lamivudine, which is known by the name of 3TC. This medicine is used for adults and children, drug use tends to increase liver enzyme (ALT) for the patients will receive ongoing monitoring of the physician.
* Provision of drug adefovir dipivoxil (Hepsera). Oral administration would be more effective, but administration with a high dose would adversely affect renal function.
* Provision of drug Baraclude (Entecavir). The drug is administered in patients with chronic hepatitis B, the side effects of this drug are headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and an increase in liver enzyme. Keoptimalan level and stability of this drug has not been said to be stable.
b. Treatment with injectable / injection is;
* Provision of Microsphere injections containing ß-ray-emitting radioactive particles that would destroy liver cancer cells without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Interferon Alfa Injection (by branch name INTRON A, INFERGEN, Roferon) administered by the scale of provision subcutan 3 times a week for 12-16 weeks or more. Side effects of these drugs is depression, especially in patients that have a history of previous depression. Another effect is a pain in the muscles, causing fatigue and a little fever that this can be eliminated by administering paracetamol.Langkah preventive measures to avoid the disease is Hepatitis B vaccine, especially in people at high risk of this virus, those that behave like sex is not good (change-change partner / homosexuals), health workers (nurses and doctors) and those in areas vulnerable to many cases of Hepatitis B.
To the already saturated with the chemical treatment of one of the best natural alternative medicines for hepatitis, namely the gold d gamat jelly and spirulina, scientific reasons
* 1. Jelly Gamat gold
Doctors are calling Hariadi Poster explains the content of collagen in the sea cucumbers have the ability to heal fast hepatitis-B. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate the cells in a nutshell. According to doctors graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body was a better place and no side effects.
The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after acute infection. If left up to 6 months later became chronic. The virus enters the liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by a nutritious diet and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.
So, if there are drugs that can inhibit viral replication process is highly recommended, said Merlyn. During the medical world knows that interferon improve liver function. Although in the field of interferon can reduce the suffering caused by hepatitis-B by 40%, but its ability to destroy the virus is still small.
Gamat was remarkable properties. The content of marine animal phylum Echinodermata that effectively prevent or even annihilate the presence of viral pathogens. Various medical examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy of hepatitis virus gamat experienced crushing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find new support, the miraculous healing of sea cucumber (Poster, Issue: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11)
According to Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim, researchers University Kebangsaan Malaysia, sea cucumbers contain 86% protein is easily broken down into the pepsin enzyme. High protein content acts as an immunomodulator alias immune system builder. Protein and 16 essential amino acids effective in cell regeneration and strengthens the liver to remove antibodies. Gamat properties are easily soluble in water, according to Dr. Zen Djaja MD in Malang, making it readily absorbed in the liver without undergoing detoxification. Sea cucumber extract helps improve liver function (Poster, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 09:14:06)
A healthy liver is essential for everyone. Every second liver activities. A healthy heart, will form amino acids to maintain the body's tissues and if necessary will turn protein into glucose and lipid. Liver can also produce lecithin and cholesterol, bile and albumin gland that can remove toxins. Liver can also produce thrombin which can freeze the blood, as well as various enzymes and enzyme support. The liver can convert sugar into glycogen and vice versa when required. Stored in it as well as iron, copper, and various minerals, but it is rich in vitamins A, D, E, K and B complex. A healthy liver can also describe the various elements of the toxin and the toxin is a viral disease. So when the heart is compromised, all functions will be impaired.
Natural pollution, air pollution, residual toxins, drugs, viral diseases, and chemical toxins into the body will lead to impaired absorption of nutrients. It also will spend all the nutrients in the body. Thus if the condition occurs in the long term will cause the heart can no longer function to remove toxins, to reduce the damage incurred should be sufficient nutritious food.
For swollen liver, choline is excreted into the urine and hearts will be swollen. People who are nutritionally unbalanced, his heart will be fat.
According to the bio-chemical theory, choline deficiency will inhibit the transfer of triglycerides in the liver cells resulting in fatty liver. If symptoms such as chronic, then the liver will decrease fibrid which will eventually lead to cirrhosis (liver stiffness) and the sluggishness of liver function.
When liver impairment is severe, many amino acids contained in proteins will be issued with urine. At that time, additional protein needs to be given. Spirulina is rich in vegetable protein it is very necessary for people with liver disease. Besides Spirulina is also rich in methionine and serine, where with the help of vitamin B6, magnesium and many produce choline. Therefore, Spirulina has a tremendous benefit to the fatty liver and cirrhosis of the liver, and even beneficial to prevent it.
Of the enzyme is derived from protein. However, if there is no vitamin B6 and magnesium, the heart will not result in a variety of enzymes. So is the hormone will be affected. For example, a hormone deficiency that can control spending will lead to insulin in insulin, excessive blood, causing blood sugar levels decreased.
Currently, checks blood sugar levels has been one way to find liver damage.
Potassium helps in converting glucose into glycogen for storage. If necessary, a new glycogen issued and generate heat for the body.
Spirulina contains high potassium, which is very beneficial for the heart. Many studies in Japan have shown that Spirulina is beneficial for the heart. GOT and GPT patient who is high for an extended period and did not change after treatment with spirulina, healing is seen after the use of Spirulina in just one month. And after three months, GOT and GPT patients had dropped to normal levels.
The patients with liver disease should focus on foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the liver.
A. Avoid salt, spicy foods,, sugar, liquor, and do not eat greasy food for several weeks.
2. Other beneficial foods: lemon, cucumber, garlic, bean sprouts, apricots, green leafy vegetables, goat milk authentic, heart healthy animals, and so forth.
3. Vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, choline, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (6 g Spirulina contains 4.5 to 5 mcg vitamin B12, approximately 150% of the daily value), Vitamin E, Vitamin A (Spirulina is rich in vitamin A, lecithin and nicotinic acid.
source: http://pengobatan.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/manfaat-spirulina-iv-penyakit-hepatik-hati/
Consider the story recovered from hepatitis with gamat jelly and spirulina:
Hepatitis virus that has been missing Thanks Gamat
Poster sources online edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11
Ady Wiwiek Pramesti never thought of busy work bringing pain. At first he thought heartburn was several times attacked the common diseases. So tall she was never checked by a doctor. After all, only by taking drugs at the pharmacy counter, suffering can be overcome.
One afternoon in mid-March 1997, following the company meeting Wiwiek center. Suddenly a boy's mother invert both hands to the solar plexus. Heartburn pain felt torn apart, Wiwiek recalls. Not only that, the body becomes weak with stomach Wiwiek nausea, bloating, fever, joint pain and swelling in the upper right abdomen became increasingly. By friends of his office he immediately rushed to a nearby hospital in Surabaya, East Java.
Wiwiek amazement when medical experts pronounced him suffering from Hepatitis-B. It was evident a week later the main symptoms of hepatitis-B: the whites of the eyes and skin appear yellow throughout the body, as well as tea-colored urine.
Try the herbal
Hospitalization for a month had lived Wiwiek. Medicines prescribed by doctors had to swallow. To accelerate healing, Wiwiek routine therapy. Unfortunately, the result is not maximized. Feeling tired, fatigued, lethargic and often menyambanginya. Although less effective and cause side effects, 22 April 1957 the birth mother could not resist the intake of the medicine. If not, the risk of frequent nausea, chills, and fatigue should be received.
However, over time Wiwiek bored mengasup drugs that affect the nausea until limp. In the confusion, he decided to seek relief through the alternative pathway. Reflexology is an expert in the village of Banyuwangi, East Java, the first choice. 3 times a week he regularly come to Banyuwangi.
Like throwing marbles to the bottom of the lake, the waves slowly disappearing. However, marble is still in it. Similarly Wiwiek effort to restore health. After the massage, the body becomes prime condition. Body to be tough, but the virus still in there, he said. Later he hooked on herbs offered his office friends. Ingredients in powder form was derived from the rhizome of ginger. Ginger boiled in two cups water to boil and only one glass. Decoction of ginger in the drink 3 cups per day. The results, from month to month he felt the change. His health improved dramatically. His endurance improved, but the hepatitis virus are reluctant to run away from the body.
Thanks gamat
Side by side with the disease is not a pleasant option. Nine years as a carrier of hepatitis Wiwiek lived. During that time his life seemed meaningless. Therefore, Wiwiek always trying to find a cure. Sometime in late September 2005 he met with his old colleagues in Semarang. From there gamat-term acquaintance with sea cucumbers in Malaysia-originated. Since then Wiwiek gamat consume regularly.
Wiwiek convinced option once it was off the mark. He sipped gamat 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day without his consumption of other drugs. Within weeks his growing excellent condition. The spirit of the move was overwhelming. Beginning in May 2006, recovery began to appear bright dots in the eyes of her 49 years. The test results SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) in the range of 15-17 IU normal and SGOT (serum glutamic transaminase Oxaloacetic) also went stabilized at 17-20 IU.
Similarly, the test virus / antivirus. Hepatitis virus in her body had been destroyed alias declared negative. Less certain, laboratory tests were acted elsewhere. Seemed to get a miracle, Wiwiek get similar results. No wonder if consumption remains gamat done as an act of gratitude.
The doctor prescribed
The story of the healing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady was a necessity. Doctors are calling Hariadi Poster explains the content of collagen in the sea cucumbers have the ability to heal fast hepatitis-B. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate the cells in a nutshell. According to doctors graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body was a better place and no side effects.
The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after acute infection. If left up to 6 months later became chronic. The virus enters the liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by a nutritious diet and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.
So, if there are drugs that can inhibit viral replication process is highly recommended, said Merlyn. During the medical world knows that interferon improve liver function. Although in the field of interferon can reduce the suffering caused by hepatitis-B by 40%, but its ability to destroy the virus is still small.
Gamat was remarkable properties. The content of marine animals Echinodermata fi yet it is effective to prevent or even annihilate the presence of viral pathogens. Various medical examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy of hepatitis virus gamat experienced crushing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find new support, the miraculous healing of sea cucumber jelly ...
Consider the true story of others:
After-G Gold Consumption During one Sunday's Hepatitis B Negative
Name: Agustina Ariyanti
Age: 28 Years
Address: Madison
Complaints: Hepatitis B
Prodak types: Gold G Sea Cucumber jelly and spirulina
hepatitisSaya suffering from thyroid medication and doctors recommend surgery. Before the surgery I was asked to check up and found the check-up showed that I was positive for Hepatitis B.
Because Hepatitis B is, the doctors did not dare to do surgery on my thyroid. After that I recommended the consumption of products and spirulina Gold-G by Mrs. Syamsiah, then I-G Gold consumption 3 times a day. after consumption of approximately 2 months, I went back to check up, and it has a negative hepatitis B, and I can have surgery on my thyroid.
Then I have a problem with frequent skin breakouts, after I put the Gold G and consume spirulina, and regularly wash your face with RO water, which often arise eventually pimples on my face had gone down and I was able to get a more clearer skin and healthy without worrying about acne appearance that always bothered me.
SGOT and SGPT 2227 1575 Early Snow Being SGOT and SGPT 47 51
Name: Dwijo Wasi Widyanto
Age: 36 years
Address: Sukabumi
Complaints: Hepatitis B
Prodak types: Gold-G and spirulina
Gold-G prior to consumption and spirulina, during this first year I was quickly tired, difficulty eating, waking up not feeling refreshed / still weak, head like a headache, but all my complaints were ignored because of my role as a gymnastics coach respiratory Satria Nusantara.
One time I feel weak and sense of feeling ill. Then I to the ER, where I work and it turns out I should be treated. I was initially diagnosed as suffering from typhoid and with widal 1/40 1/80 1/640, a week later tests with the results of SGOT and SGPT SGOT and SGPT was 1575 2227. Of HBs Ag (+), it was the same as convicted of the disease AIDS.
One time I was introduced by a friend of mine named Bpak Johan Safari with Gold-G products Sea Cucumber Jelly and spirulina. After my consumption of these products, a week later I was back doing tests SGOT and SGPT. The result SGOT and SGPT I was 47 I became 51. Urine clear than before I wake up sore and feels very fresh.
Although the doctor advised rest, but I feel my condition is improving and there is no problem anymore, surprisingly again, my colleagues said, my face so much fresher and more confident.
2. Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). The process of transmission through blood contact {transfusions, needles (contaminated), then the patient menggiti insect bites everyone around them}. Hepatitis C sufferers sometimes do not show obvious symptoms, but in patients with chronic Hepatitis C causes damage / death of liver cells and detected as cancer (cancer) heart. Some 85% of cases, hepatitis C infection becomes chronic and slowly damages the liver for years.
* 1. Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C sufferers often times people who suffer from Hepatitis C have no symptoms, although infection has occurred for many years. However, some vague symptoms include: Fatigue, Lost appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine and a yellowing of skin or eyes, called "jaundice" (rare). In some cases an increase in liver enzyme can be found on examination of urine, however, in patients with hepatitis C would sometimes even normal liver enzyme fluctuations.
* 2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis C
Currently the treatment of Hepatitis C is done by the administration of drugs such as interferon alpha, pegylated interferon alpha and Ribavirin. The goal of treatment is to eliminate hepatitis C virus from your body as early as possible to prevent progression and worsening end-stage liver disease. Treatment of Hepatitis C patients require longer periods of time even in this particular patient can not help, it is necessary to handling the first stage.
One alternative disposal hepatitis C
Poster sources online Wednesday, July 1, 2009 09:14:06
Gasping for breath on the night of June 25, 2007 was a disastrous start Waskito. Waskito difficulty breathing that night so the family rushed him to a hospital in Surakarta, Central Java. The results of physician diagnosis, positive Waskito pneumonia. Eleven days he was hospitalized at the hospital while taking antibiotics streptomycin type. However, the father of 5 children's condition did not improve.
Pale face, the body is often tired, and poor appetite. Besides fever and cough Waskito toward an increasingly frail body. Nuk Sudaryanti husband was immediately rushed to a hospital in Jakarta. In the hospital's doctors diagnose hepatitis C. Increased levels of SGOT and SGPT 20-40 times the normal threshold indicate liver damage. Normal limits AST 17-20 IU and ALT 12-17 IU.
Long illness
SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) and SGOT (serum glutamic transaminase Oxaloacetic) is a parameter to determine the health of the liver caused by viral or bacterial infection. Check lab results also showed bilirubin levels reach 3.48 mg%. In fact, normal levels of a maximum of 1 mg%. Increased bilirubin causes reddish colored urine - such as strong tea - as well as yellowish eyes and skin.
Unfortunately, the condition being treated in Jakarta Waskito no significant change. Therefore, the family decided to take him back to Surakarta. Nuk Sudaryanti, his wife, routinely provide 7 egg white grains at the instigation of a doctor. Albumin was to supply the needs of the body. Hepatitis patients with albumin levels are generally low.
However, those efforts have not been healed. Hepatitis C virus is still entrenched in his body. The virus was in fact has long languished in the body Waskito. In 1983 he was sentenced to a positive hepatitis C. At that Waskito worked as a welder at the port. Waskito less attention to hygiene of food eaten and exercise less.
Waskito hepatitis virus attack again in early 2007 as the story above. Bike shop owner is often of tingling in the legs. If you think it's coming, who was born in Surakarta, 29 September 1949 it was just sat there. His weight was down.
Sea cucumber
According to Dr. Primal Sudjana SpPD-KPTI, specialist in internal medicine Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, hepatitis due to virus attack. If left up to 6 months, leading to acute hepatitis. Six months later, turn into cirrhosis or hardening of the liver. In its development potential to become cancerous liver cirrhosis.
Hepatitis B is one of the infectious diseases that are categorized as dangerous in the world, disease is caused by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) that attacks the liver and cause acute or chronic liver inflammation. Such as the Hepatitis C, the disease can become chronic and eventually liver cancer. The process of transmission of Hepatitis B is through the exchange of body fluids or contact with blood from a person infected with Hepatitis B.
The few things that the pattern of transmission include transmission from mother to baby during childbirth, sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, needles, and use of personal hygiene (toothbrush, towels) together. Hepatitis B can affect anyone, but usually for those aged would be more productive at risk for this disease.
* 1. Symptoms of Hepatitis B
In particular, the signs and symptoms of acute hepatitis B terserangnya are fever, abdominal pain and yellow (especially in the area of the white eye / sclera). But for people with chronic hepatitis B will not likely be visible signs, so that transmission to others becomes more risky.
* 2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis B
Patients with suspected Hepatitis B, for the exact diagnosis is established there will be blood examination. Once the diagnosis is established as Hepatitis B, then there is a way of treatment for hepatitis B, the treatment of swallowing (oral) and by injection.
a. Oral medication that is known;
* Provision of drugs from the nucleoside analog Lamivudine, which is known by the name of 3TC. This medicine is used for adults and children, drug use tends to increase liver enzyme (ALT) for the patients will receive ongoing monitoring of the physician.
* Provision of drug adefovir dipivoxil (Hepsera). Oral administration would be more effective, but administration with a high dose would adversely affect renal function.
* Provision of drug Baraclude (Entecavir). The drug is administered in patients with chronic hepatitis B, the side effects of this drug are headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and an increase in liver enzyme. Keoptimalan level and stability of this drug has not been said to be stable.
b. Treatment with injectable / injection is;
* Provision of Microsphere injections containing ß-ray-emitting radioactive particles that would destroy liver cancer cells without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Interferon Alfa Injection (by branch name INTRON A, INFERGEN, Roferon) administered by the scale of provision subcutan 3 times a week for 12-16 weeks or more. Side effects of these drugs is depression, especially in patients that have a history of previous depression. Another effect is a pain in the muscles, causing fatigue and a little fever that this can be eliminated by administering paracetamol.Langkah preventive measures to avoid the disease is Hepatitis B vaccine, especially in people at high risk of this virus, those that behave like sex is not good (change-change partner / homosexuals), health workers (nurses and doctors) and those in areas vulnerable to many cases of Hepatitis B.
To the already saturated with the chemical treatment of one of the best natural alternative medicines for hepatitis, namely the gold d gamat jelly and spirulina, scientific reasons
* 1. Jelly Gamat gold
Doctors are calling Hariadi Poster explains the content of collagen in the sea cucumbers have the ability to heal fast hepatitis-B. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate the cells in a nutshell. According to doctors graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body was a better place and no side effects.
The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after acute infection. If left up to 6 months later became chronic. The virus enters the liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by a nutritious diet and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.
So, if there are drugs that can inhibit viral replication process is highly recommended, said Merlyn. During the medical world knows that interferon improve liver function. Although in the field of interferon can reduce the suffering caused by hepatitis-B by 40%, but its ability to destroy the virus is still small.
Gamat was remarkable properties. The content of marine animal phylum Echinodermata that effectively prevent or even annihilate the presence of viral pathogens. Various medical examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy of hepatitis virus gamat experienced crushing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find new support, the miraculous healing of sea cucumber (Poster, Issue: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11)
According to Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim, researchers University Kebangsaan Malaysia, sea cucumbers contain 86% protein is easily broken down into the pepsin enzyme. High protein content acts as an immunomodulator alias immune system builder. Protein and 16 essential amino acids effective in cell regeneration and strengthens the liver to remove antibodies. Gamat properties are easily soluble in water, according to Dr. Zen Djaja MD in Malang, making it readily absorbed in the liver without undergoing detoxification. Sea cucumber extract helps improve liver function (Poster, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 09:14:06)
A healthy liver is essential for everyone. Every second liver activities. A healthy heart, will form amino acids to maintain the body's tissues and if necessary will turn protein into glucose and lipid. Liver can also produce lecithin and cholesterol, bile and albumin gland that can remove toxins. Liver can also produce thrombin which can freeze the blood, as well as various enzymes and enzyme support. The liver can convert sugar into glycogen and vice versa when required. Stored in it as well as iron, copper, and various minerals, but it is rich in vitamins A, D, E, K and B complex. A healthy liver can also describe the various elements of the toxin and the toxin is a viral disease. So when the heart is compromised, all functions will be impaired.
Natural pollution, air pollution, residual toxins, drugs, viral diseases, and chemical toxins into the body will lead to impaired absorption of nutrients. It also will spend all the nutrients in the body. Thus if the condition occurs in the long term will cause the heart can no longer function to remove toxins, to reduce the damage incurred should be sufficient nutritious food.
For swollen liver, choline is excreted into the urine and hearts will be swollen. People who are nutritionally unbalanced, his heart will be fat.
According to the bio-chemical theory, choline deficiency will inhibit the transfer of triglycerides in the liver cells resulting in fatty liver. If symptoms such as chronic, then the liver will decrease fibrid which will eventually lead to cirrhosis (liver stiffness) and the sluggishness of liver function.
When liver impairment is severe, many amino acids contained in proteins will be issued with urine. At that time, additional protein needs to be given. Spirulina is rich in vegetable protein it is very necessary for people with liver disease. Besides Spirulina is also rich in methionine and serine, where with the help of vitamin B6, magnesium and many produce choline. Therefore, Spirulina has a tremendous benefit to the fatty liver and cirrhosis of the liver, and even beneficial to prevent it.
Of the enzyme is derived from protein. However, if there is no vitamin B6 and magnesium, the heart will not result in a variety of enzymes. So is the hormone will be affected. For example, a hormone deficiency that can control spending will lead to insulin in insulin, excessive blood, causing blood sugar levels decreased.
Currently, checks blood sugar levels has been one way to find liver damage.
Potassium helps in converting glucose into glycogen for storage. If necessary, a new glycogen issued and generate heat for the body.
Spirulina contains high potassium, which is very beneficial for the heart. Many studies in Japan have shown that Spirulina is beneficial for the heart. GOT and GPT patient who is high for an extended period and did not change after treatment with spirulina, healing is seen after the use of Spirulina in just one month. And after three months, GOT and GPT patients had dropped to normal levels.
The patients with liver disease should focus on foods rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the liver.
A. Avoid salt, spicy foods,, sugar, liquor, and do not eat greasy food for several weeks.
2. Other beneficial foods: lemon, cucumber, garlic, bean sprouts, apricots, green leafy vegetables, goat milk authentic, heart healthy animals, and so forth.
3. Vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, choline, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (6 g Spirulina contains 4.5 to 5 mcg vitamin B12, approximately 150% of the daily value), Vitamin E, Vitamin A (Spirulina is rich in vitamin A, lecithin and nicotinic acid.
source: http://pengobatan.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/manfaat-spirulina-iv-penyakit-hepatik-hati/
Consider the story recovered from hepatitis with gamat jelly and spirulina:
Hepatitis virus that has been missing Thanks Gamat
Poster sources online edition: Sunday, July 2, 2006 17:07:11
Ady Wiwiek Pramesti never thought of busy work bringing pain. At first he thought heartburn was several times attacked the common diseases. So tall she was never checked by a doctor. After all, only by taking drugs at the pharmacy counter, suffering can be overcome.
One afternoon in mid-March 1997, following the company meeting Wiwiek center. Suddenly a boy's mother invert both hands to the solar plexus. Heartburn pain felt torn apart, Wiwiek recalls. Not only that, the body becomes weak with stomach Wiwiek nausea, bloating, fever, joint pain and swelling in the upper right abdomen became increasingly. By friends of his office he immediately rushed to a nearby hospital in Surabaya, East Java.
Wiwiek amazement when medical experts pronounced him suffering from Hepatitis-B. It was evident a week later the main symptoms of hepatitis-B: the whites of the eyes and skin appear yellow throughout the body, as well as tea-colored urine.
Try the herbal
Hospitalization for a month had lived Wiwiek. Medicines prescribed by doctors had to swallow. To accelerate healing, Wiwiek routine therapy. Unfortunately, the result is not maximized. Feeling tired, fatigued, lethargic and often menyambanginya. Although less effective and cause side effects, 22 April 1957 the birth mother could not resist the intake of the medicine. If not, the risk of frequent nausea, chills, and fatigue should be received.
However, over time Wiwiek bored mengasup drugs that affect the nausea until limp. In the confusion, he decided to seek relief through the alternative pathway. Reflexology is an expert in the village of Banyuwangi, East Java, the first choice. 3 times a week he regularly come to Banyuwangi.
Like throwing marbles to the bottom of the lake, the waves slowly disappearing. However, marble is still in it. Similarly Wiwiek effort to restore health. After the massage, the body becomes prime condition. Body to be tough, but the virus still in there, he said. Later he hooked on herbs offered his office friends. Ingredients in powder form was derived from the rhizome of ginger. Ginger boiled in two cups water to boil and only one glass. Decoction of ginger in the drink 3 cups per day. The results, from month to month he felt the change. His health improved dramatically. His endurance improved, but the hepatitis virus are reluctant to run away from the body.
Thanks gamat
Side by side with the disease is not a pleasant option. Nine years as a carrier of hepatitis Wiwiek lived. During that time his life seemed meaningless. Therefore, Wiwiek always trying to find a cure. Sometime in late September 2005 he met with his old colleagues in Semarang. From there gamat-term acquaintance with sea cucumbers in Malaysia-originated. Since then Wiwiek gamat consume regularly.
Wiwiek convinced option once it was off the mark. He sipped gamat 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day without his consumption of other drugs. Within weeks his growing excellent condition. The spirit of the move was overwhelming. Beginning in May 2006, recovery began to appear bright dots in the eyes of her 49 years. The test results SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) in the range of 15-17 IU normal and SGOT (serum glutamic transaminase Oxaloacetic) also went stabilized at 17-20 IU.
Similarly, the test virus / antivirus. Hepatitis virus in her body had been destroyed alias declared negative. Less certain, laboratory tests were acted elsewhere. Seemed to get a miracle, Wiwiek get similar results. No wonder if consumption remains gamat done as an act of gratitude.
The doctor prescribed
The story of the healing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady was a necessity. Doctors are calling Hariadi Poster explains the content of collagen in the sea cucumbers have the ability to heal fast hepatitis-B. That is because the sea cucumbers are able to regenerate the cells in a nutshell. According to doctors graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, the absorption in the body was a better place and no side effects.
The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months after acute infection. If left up to 6 months later became chronic. The virus enters the liver cells and liver cells are gradually destroying it. Gamat help improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by a nutritious diet and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.
So, if there are drugs that can inhibit viral replication process is highly recommended, said Merlyn. During the medical world knows that interferon improve liver function. Although in the field of interferon can reduce the suffering caused by hepatitis-B by 40%, but its ability to destroy the virus is still small.
Gamat was remarkable properties. The content of marine animals Echinodermata fi yet it is effective to prevent or even annihilate the presence of viral pathogens. Various medical examination of empirical evidence reinforces efficacy of hepatitis virus gamat experienced crushing Wiwiek Pramesti Ady. No wonder if the doctor agreed to prescribe it. Chant cure hepatitis patients also seemed to find new support, the miraculous healing of sea cucumber jelly ...
Consider the true story of others:
After-G Gold Consumption During one Sunday's Hepatitis B Negative
Name: Agustina Ariyanti
Age: 28 Years
Address: Madison
Complaints: Hepatitis B
Prodak types: Gold G Sea Cucumber jelly and spirulina
hepatitisSaya suffering from thyroid medication and doctors recommend surgery. Before the surgery I was asked to check up and found the check-up showed that I was positive for Hepatitis B.
Because Hepatitis B is, the doctors did not dare to do surgery on my thyroid. After that I recommended the consumption of products and spirulina Gold-G by Mrs. Syamsiah, then I-G Gold consumption 3 times a day. after consumption of approximately 2 months, I went back to check up, and it has a negative hepatitis B, and I can have surgery on my thyroid.
Then I have a problem with frequent skin breakouts, after I put the Gold G and consume spirulina, and regularly wash your face with RO water, which often arise eventually pimples on my face had gone down and I was able to get a more clearer skin and healthy without worrying about acne appearance that always bothered me.
SGOT and SGPT 2227 1575 Early Snow Being SGOT and SGPT 47 51
Name: Dwijo Wasi Widyanto
Age: 36 years
Address: Sukabumi
Complaints: Hepatitis B
Prodak types: Gold-G and spirulina
Gold-G prior to consumption and spirulina, during this first year I was quickly tired, difficulty eating, waking up not feeling refreshed / still weak, head like a headache, but all my complaints were ignored because of my role as a gymnastics coach respiratory Satria Nusantara.
One time I feel weak and sense of feeling ill. Then I to the ER, where I work and it turns out I should be treated. I was initially diagnosed as suffering from typhoid and with widal 1/40 1/80 1/640, a week later tests with the results of SGOT and SGPT SGOT and SGPT was 1575 2227. Of HBs Ag (+), it was the same as convicted of the disease AIDS.
One time I was introduced by a friend of mine named Bpak Johan Safari with Gold-G products Sea Cucumber Jelly and spirulina. After my consumption of these products, a week later I was back doing tests SGOT and SGPT. The result SGOT and SGPT I was 47 I became 51. Urine clear than before I wake up sore and feels very fresh.
Although the doctor advised rest, but I feel my condition is improving and there is no problem anymore, surprisingly again, my colleagues said, my face so much fresher and more confident.
2. Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). The process of transmission through blood contact {transfusions, needles (contaminated), then the patient menggiti insect bites everyone around them}. Hepatitis C sufferers sometimes do not show obvious symptoms, but in patients with chronic Hepatitis C causes damage / death of liver cells and detected as cancer (cancer) heart. Some 85% of cases, hepatitis C infection becomes chronic and slowly damages the liver for years.
* 1. Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C sufferers often times people who suffer from Hepatitis C have no symptoms, although infection has occurred for many years. However, some vague symptoms include: Fatigue, Lost appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine and a yellowing of skin or eyes, called "jaundice" (rare). In some cases an increase in liver enzyme can be found on examination of urine, however, in patients with hepatitis C would sometimes even normal liver enzyme fluctuations.
* 2. Handling and Treatment of Hepatitis C
Currently the treatment of Hepatitis C is done by the administration of drugs such as interferon alpha, pegylated interferon alpha and Ribavirin. The goal of treatment is to eliminate hepatitis C virus from your body as early as possible to prevent progression and worsening end-stage liver disease. Treatment of Hepatitis C patients require longer periods of time even in this particular patient can not help, it is necessary to handling the first stage.
One alternative disposal hepatitis C
Poster sources online Wednesday, July 1, 2009 09:14:06
Gasping for breath on the night of June 25, 2007 was a disastrous start Waskito. Waskito difficulty breathing that night so the family rushed him to a hospital in Surakarta, Central Java. The results of physician diagnosis, positive Waskito pneumonia. Eleven days he was hospitalized at the hospital while taking antibiotics streptomycin type. However, the father of 5 children's condition did not improve.
Pale face, the body is often tired, and poor appetite. Besides fever and cough Waskito toward an increasingly frail body. Nuk Sudaryanti husband was immediately rushed to a hospital in Jakarta. In the hospital's doctors diagnose hepatitis C. Increased levels of SGOT and SGPT 20-40 times the normal threshold indicate liver damage. Normal limits AST 17-20 IU and ALT 12-17 IU.
Long illness
SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) and SGOT (serum glutamic transaminase Oxaloacetic) is a parameter to determine the health of the liver caused by viral or bacterial infection. Check lab results also showed bilirubin levels reach 3.48 mg%. In fact, normal levels of a maximum of 1 mg%. Increased bilirubin causes reddish colored urine - such as strong tea - as well as yellowish eyes and skin.
Unfortunately, the condition being treated in Jakarta Waskito no significant change. Therefore, the family decided to take him back to Surakarta. Nuk Sudaryanti, his wife, routinely provide 7 egg white grains at the instigation of a doctor. Albumin was to supply the needs of the body. Hepatitis patients with albumin levels are generally low.
However, those efforts have not been healed. Hepatitis C virus is still entrenched in his body. The virus was in fact has long languished in the body Waskito. In 1983 he was sentenced to a positive hepatitis C. At that Waskito worked as a welder at the port. Waskito less attention to hygiene of food eaten and exercise less.
Waskito hepatitis virus attack again in early 2007 as the story above. Bike shop owner is often of tingling in the legs. If you think it's coming, who was born in Surakarta, 29 September 1949 it was just sat there. His weight was down.
Sea cucumber
According to Dr. Primal Sudjana SpPD-KPTI, specialist in internal medicine Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, hepatitis due to virus attack. If left up to 6 months, leading to acute hepatitis. Six months later, turn into cirrhosis or hardening of the liver. In its development potential to become cancerous liver cirrhosis.
After various healing path taken, Waskito then remembered that sat sea cucumber extract for 3 months in the refrigerator. In July 2008 he began taking extracts of marine animal phylum Echinodermata. The dose is 2 tablespoons 2 times a day. He felt refreshed after taking the extract of sea cucumber. Three months of drinking at sea cucumbers, Waskito feel alive and healthy. That is evidenced by the results of laboratory tests that states he negative hepatitis. Waskito bilirubin 1.1 mg% now, SGPT and SGOT levels also returned to normal. According to Prof Dr Ridzwan Hashim, researchers University Kebangsaan Malaysia, sea cucumbers contain 86% protein is easily broken down into the pepsin enzyme.
High protein content acts as an immunomodulator alias immune system builder. Protein and 16 essential amino acids effective in cell regeneration and strengthens the liver to remove antibodies. Gamat properties are easily soluble in water, according to Dr. Zen Djaja MD in Malang, making it readily absorbed in the liver without undergoing detoxification. Sea cucumber extract helps improve liver function.
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You need to make a call if there is anyone who want to visit at first place for the treatment. Our medical center is located in Riverdale NJ, also you can search us in Google with GI Endoscopy Practice. We will definitely help you in treating Hepatitis B. Don't worry, just give us a call!
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